Nuts, Milk Choc, Red Gala Apple.

Brew Advice
In: 19.5g
Out: 42g
Time: 29 seconds
Milky Espresso
In: 20g
Out: 36g
Time: 29 seconds

About the process
All the coffee that is part of this blend is dried in static boxes. The coffee remains still and is not turned over during the drying process, hence the name static boxes. These boxes are 1 metre deep with a volumetric capacity of 15000 litres of coffee cherries. This equates to 25-30 bags of green coffee, each weighing 60 kilogrammes. These boxes have a vented grill at the bottom, allowing air to circulate from below upwards through the drying coffee. Two thermometers at different depths ensure that a safe temperature is kept below 40°C. After the coffee is dried, it is left to rest for approximately 1-2 weeks before being milled. This method has allowed the production of more fruity and prominent profiles, in this case a more exciting coffee.
New School daily driver
Expect a full spiced & nutty body with creamy milk choc and sweet butter biscuits. The juicy red gala undertone makes it an exciting daily driver which you will not tire from, whether you like more comfort coffees or more adventurous ones.