About Sprout
Sprouted from the love of coffee, the belief that we can give meaning and value to our dedicated farmers and a desire to create a sustainable chain of coffee production.
Treating the best green coffee we can get our hands on with all the love, respect and craftsmanship we’ve got.
Assisting our fellow baristas to pull the best shots possible, making the consumer fall in love with all the experience coffee brings."

About the brand
When a coffee plant sprouts, it’s an exciting time, it’s the start of something new, the start of growth, this is what we at Sprout are all about. We strive to keep this idea in everything we do, creating better coffee and all growing together.
Each country, culture and coffee has got it’s own specifics and characteristics. We carry this through by drawing and designing our labels with symbols that represent each country and culture that we work with in coffee.
Coffee is a product of the natural environment and thus we chose animals as symbols to represent each nation's unique environment. The background and colouring show recognisable elements of the land.