When lockdown was hitting us hard and we could not be on the road as much as before, we explored the Czech coffeescene online and found this cute little stall called Y COFFEE BOX. Owner Matej was only 18 years old when he started making coffee from his self-build COFFEEbike at the Frydek-Mistik square. But since getting the coffeebike to the square everyday was heavy and he was only allowed to stand there January till November, he started looking for a permanent place. Soon after, a small bakery nearby closed and the idea of COFFEEbox was born. They reconstructed the place and soon they started selling delicious cups of coffee and beans for at home from the small window. The COFFEEbike is going places to serve specialty coffee at markets and events, but COFFEEbox is not going anywere!
From his call coffee window Matej and his team are serving great cuppa’s in this small place where only 56.000 people live. It was a bit of a challenge to convince the locals to enjoy specialty coffee instead of the instant coffees Czech people used to drink at their home, but nowadays he has a lot of regular customers who start to like a bit of acidity.
We weren’t able to travel by the time he got his first Sprout beans in, so we set up a Zoom call to meet each other. A few month’s later Matej drove all the way from Frydek-Mistek to Eindhoven to meet us in real life. We cupped together and had lunch at our friends at Zwart Wit Koffie. We didn’t need POSTNL for his last order since he took it by car himself.
Note to ourself: take some Jenever as a present as soon as we visit Matej, since he brought us a bottle of Becherovka